Friday, July 13, 2012

Vitamin E: Inside out protection for your sunburn

Scientists have discovered that Vitamin E is basically like a Swiss army knife for nutrition.  Vitamin E is one of the vitamins that plays a tremendous role in a variety of body functions regularly.  Vitamin E plays a crucial role to eye, heart, and skin health. Research has been shown that animals given large doses of Vitamin E do not develop cataracts.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant meaning it reduces free-radicals from destroying the healthy cells that live in your body.  Animals whose diets were supplemented by the four basic antioxidants including vitamin E developed 48% less tumors than non protected animals.  Scientists now know that oral vitamin E may help prevent sunburn, thanks to some crazy tanning mice.  A study taken with two groups of hairless mice(plain diet and vitamin e enriched diet) confirmed that the mice that had the plain diet and were then exposed to sun lamps suffered marked sunburn, where as the vitamin e enriched diet did not.  In fact the nutrients doubled their sun protection.  Now currently the RDA level for Vitamin E is 15 IU far too low to be effective, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds provides 37 IU of Vitamin E...just saying that is double what the FDA deems "safe."  Most nutritionists and researchers agree that anywhere from 100-600 IU are the daily recommended amount of vitamin E, but no side effects associated with as much as a 800 IU to help with cancer recovery, skin disorders, or lowering cholesterol.

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