Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nutritional Myths and Misinformations

Common medical myths and lack of clear understanding number on the thousands when discussing modern preventative medicine, but what about modern nutrition?  I mean lets face it, the Nutrition book we had in elementary, middle, and high school were the same book lol. 

Myth 1: "Don't eat butter"-  yeah ok so lets avoid the natural nutrients in butter and substitute that out for some synthetic margarine that has enough trans fats to dramatically increase your bad cholesterol levels (LDL).  Think smart people when in doubt get natural first.

Myth 2: "Don't eat too much salt"- so we've all heard that one, too much salt causes high blood pressure.  However a recent 4 year study at Cornell University showed that in 1,900 men with high blood pressure, those who ate less than 5 grams of salt a day had more than 4 times as many heart attacks as those who consumed more than 10 grams.  Many Americans need to double their "healthy" salt intake.

Myth 3:  "Don't use Vitamin and Mineral Supplements"- This one is a personal pet peeve of mine.  We as humans have been taking supplements for nutrition since the beginning of time and now it seems to be an issue.  Currently 50% of Americans consume vitamin supplements on a regular basis.  A 24 year study of 11,384 people found that taking vitamins and supplements cuts the death rate in half.  Also included was that Cancer and heart disease rates were less than 10% lower than those who did not take anything.  Taking daily Vitamin C supplements could reduce your chance of cancer by 30%  and increase longevity in recovering cancer patients by 4 fold.

Myth 4:  "Your body should not rise above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit."-  The fever as I'm sure we all know can be a very debilitating condition.  Hot sweats, chills, never fun for anyone.  Now the reason for a fever is that most bacteria and viruses cannot survive above the body's normal temperature so fever is associated with the fighting of infection.  The doctor on the other hand will give you some Aspirin or Tylenol to reduce your fever so as too allow the bacterial infection to thrive and allow him to prescribe antibiotics to fight the illness.  Note this is not the doctors fault as if it is intentional, many doctors are just not trained in nutrition and the way the body reacts to danger.

Myth 5: "Genes cause degenerative disease."-  Acidosis causes degenerative disease not your Uncle Franks drinking problem.  This goes along with the notion that the Sun is bad for you.  Mineral deficiency induced acidosis causes your body to become more prone to disease and illness. Your genes are then forced to choose what illness to succumb too.  When cells live in a acidic environment the cell well then mutate and cancer is born.  Cancer though cannot survive in a Alkaline environment.  If you make the body alkaline you beat the cancer.

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