Thursday, July 26, 2012

Links to Selenium soil content and Cancer risk

This is a map highlighting the many diagnoses of skin cancer in the United States.  Here we can see the highest amounts are along the eastern seaboard and western coastlines, cornering itself in areas such as New England and the Northwestern United States.  Now that may sound weird to hear considering these areas also statistically receive less overall direct sunlight.  How is it that these skin cancer breakouts are not occurring in large amounts in areas in the so called "Sun Belt"?  Well that is because scientists are finally realizing that the sun is not bad for you!  The sun belt states have lower incidents of skin cancer due to there large amounts of sun exposure and vitamin D absorption. 

This is a map of the United States with low selenium content in soil levels.  Red areas are scarce in the mineral.  Selenium is something of a environmental protecting agent, in that it protects our cells from the constant barrage of carcinogens and pollutants.  Now if you look back at the map you first saw, you may notice some similarities.  Both maps show once again the New England and Northwestern states both have the highest skin cancer rates and the lowest Selenium soil levels.  Florida as an exception has one of the scarcest soil content levels of Selenium as of current, and a lower incident rate for skin cancer.  This is important because it lets us show the correlation between sun exposure and cancer rates.  Do not be afraid of the sun, take plenty of vitamin E and use a organic sunscreen to prevent the cooking of harsh petrochemicals into your skin and the blocking of healthy sun rays. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cooling Heat Flashes

Here are some Natural Solutions to hot flashes.  Many women have found relief in as quickly as two days from taking 800 i.u. of vitamin E.  Flashes have been reported to disappear completely when vitamin E is accompanied by 1,000-2,000mg of vitamin C and 1,000mg of of calcium.  Usually after a week its normally ok for you to reduce your dosage down to 400 i.u. This is believed to be due to vitamin E's antioxidant and circulatory supporting role in the human body.  Vitamin E can also be used in conjunction with vitamin C to cure cramps, headaches, lower cholesterol, reverse scars and prevent sunburn and skin cancer.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Nutrition No Bullsh$t

Standing in line at any modern supermarket, it may appear inconceivable that anyone today could have a deficiency of vitamins or minerals.  But behind all those pretty signs and bright colors, its all just smoke and mirrors.

Consider, for just a minute that about 25% of all calories we eat comes from added sugar, which contains nothing besides empty calories.  Right off the bat cross out 1/4 of your diet as a potential for vitamins.
If we do not take into consideration those who do not drink alcohol at all, those that drink at least a couple drinks a week consume 25% of all calories from alcohol. Sooo between the sugar and the booze, the average person is getting approx. 1/2 of his daily calorie input from nutritional blanks.
More calories in a typical modern diet come from processed fats: salad oils, cooking oils and fats added to almost everything!  Such fats contain only traces of vitamins and may constitute another 30% of empty bullsh$t calories.
Put all those together and you can see that the same technology that keeps us fat, happy and entertained  has also made it possible to waste almost 80% of our daily diets on food that couldn't keep a sewer rat alive and healthy.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Breast Cancer and Diet

Florida  has one of the highest Breast Cancer rates in the United States, coincidentally it also the lowest soil levels of Selenium as well!  Selenium has been reported to decrease the occurrence of tumors in mice with great success, but a lack of this trace mineral may just cause your body to go crazy for it.
Foods, such as polyunsaturated fats found in corn and other vegetable oils increase the formation of DNA damaging free radicals (free radicals are starved for electrons and thrive in mineral deficient environments).  Women who eat 5 grams of these polyunsaturated fats daily increased their breast cancer risk by 69%
But wait there is hope ladies don't be discouraged.  A study released in 1998 involving 61,000 women from all ages found that the daily ingestion of at least 10 grams of  monounsaturated fat (the good kind found in olive oil and canola) about three-fourths of a tablespoon, cuts the risk of breast cancer in half.  Links to large amounts of vitamin C and a diet rich in Selenium have been reported to reduce or possibly reverse the formation of tumors. If your thinking of taking extra measures against breast cancer and you are considering Selenium, make sure you accompany it with the helper vitamins A and E to bolster extra protection.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Coffee: The Thiamine Menace

When you feel that first cup of coffee wearing off, you reach for another...Then another....Then another because your so worn out and tired from walking from the fax machine to the copy machine at the end of the hall.  First it picks you up, then it drops you on your head like a irresponsible teen mother on prom night.  Your left with a crushing fatigue, another victim of the coffee cycle.  And a victim of thiamine deficiency. 
Along with excessive sugar and alcohol, too much coffee seriously depletes the bodies stores of thiamine.  The result: jittery nerves, irritability and a feeling that your out of control.  Maybe you go around slamming cabinets, or sink into depression at the prospect of doing everyday tasks. 
Thiamine deficiency can lead to heart disease and cardiac failure if left unchecked and unchallenged for long periods of time.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Food Processing and Prep: the Vitamin Massacre

A whole healthy food is a different animal when its caged in a can, freezer packed or in a box.  Potatoes, for instance are potentially a regular, reliable source of vitamin C.  But today, many people eat potatoes reconstituted from instant mixes, not realizing that these potato products contain no vitamin C whatsoever.  Figures for citrus fruits(a staple source of vitamin C) are not much better.  Orange juice from a cardboard carton has up to 30% less vitamin C than fresh squeezed juice.  That wouldn't be so bad, but 40% of whats left of the vitamin C is biologically inactive(of no use at all). 

For years the USDA believed that a 6 oz pork loin delivered 5.4 mg of iron a substantial amount.  But recently the USDA has discovered that pork contains only 1.62 mg, 70% less than thought.  Beef the most popular meat in America contains 20% less iron than originally thought. 

Today there are more than 3,000 chemicals used in the commercial food we eat.  And in one way or another many of them are nutrient and immune system antagonist.  The plants we grow are deficient, so in turn we take them a boil the crap out of them, or steam them or even worse microwave those bad boys.  And as a result they contain 20% the original nutritional content after molecular destabilization by cooking.

No more Anti-Depressants try some Niacin

Niacin, a well known mineral beneficial of reversing schizophrenia and as well as alcoholism, may also be used to ditch the tranquilizers the doc is prescribing you.  Niacin works so well in the Nervous system that a research group Hoffman-La Roche Inc.  (The lovely Swiss people responsible for manufacturing Valium) has admitted that its effectiveness compares to that of certain tranquilizers of pharmaceutical grade.  They have found that like tranquilizers, niacinamide can induce "anti conflict" and "anti aggressive" feelings and that it relaxes muscles and relieves insomnia.  On a separate note use supplements of Niacinamide no more than 250 mg daily to relieve depression, swollen gums, headaches and even bad breath.

Food Matters: Curing Disease's since the Beginning of Time: Natural Allergy Relief: Take some Vitamin C

Food Matters: Curing Disease's since the Beginning of Time: Natural Allergy Relief: Take some Vitamin C: The symptoms of allergies..the runny nose, the hacking coughs and sneezes are produced when histamine (natural chemical produced in the body...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Natural Allergy Relief: Take some Vitamin C

The symptoms of allergies..the runny nose, the hacking coughs and sneezes are produced when histamine (natural chemical produced in the body) reacts to allergens: dust, pet hair, pollen, etc..... and BANG! Your day officially sucks now.  But relief can be found with Vitamin C, because its a natural antihistamine.  Researchers had 17 volunteers inhale histamine and measured the levels of airway constriction.  The next day the study was repeated with 500 mg of Vitamin C, and the degree of constriction was almost 30% with more solid results being obtained after a week of use.  Breath Easy my friends.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Vitamin Deficiencies: USDA Stats

The following list highlights the principle vitamins and minerals that were found to be deficient in a recent study conducted with 40,000 Americans.

Calcium: 68% very unsatisfactory results EAT YOUR DAIRY.  This is why levels of osteoporosis and arthritis are so high. 

Iron:  57% this is a weird phenomenon considering our meat consumption is high but our iron is low this could be contributed to the fact that roughly 55% of Americans consume Aspirin regularly which leads to an iron deficiency.
Magnesium75% reasons being the body excretes magnesium when stressed i.e. most of America lol

Vitamin A50% if you don't know someone with it you have it.  Increase your spinach intake.

Vitamin B1234% essential for energy and healthy mental function.  Eat your peanuts.

Vitamin C45% If there is any vitamin you do not want to be deficient in it is Vitamin C.  RDA is       listed at 60mg but research proves that levels of 500-1000mg a day are optimum levels.

Niacin: 33%  Niacin shortages lead to depression and large amounts can cure Alcoholism.

Vitamin B680%  Essential for energy and mental clarity shortages have been linked to schizophrenia.

Now these are only the Vitamins and minerals, these statistics are unsatisfactory for the level of luxury that we live in these times.  If we can create ipods and robot dogs and crap we can learn to give our bodies what it needs to survive properly.

Vitamin E: Inside out protection for your sunburn

Scientists have discovered that Vitamin E is basically like a Swiss army knife for nutrition.  Vitamin E is one of the vitamins that plays a tremendous role in a variety of body functions regularly.  Vitamin E plays a crucial role to eye, heart, and skin health. Research has been shown that animals given large doses of Vitamin E do not develop cataracts.  Vitamin E is an antioxidant meaning it reduces free-radicals from destroying the healthy cells that live in your body.  Animals whose diets were supplemented by the four basic antioxidants including vitamin E developed 48% less tumors than non protected animals.  Scientists now know that oral vitamin E may help prevent sunburn, thanks to some crazy tanning mice.  A study taken with two groups of hairless mice(plain diet and vitamin e enriched diet) confirmed that the mice that had the plain diet and were then exposed to sun lamps suffered marked sunburn, where as the vitamin e enriched diet did not.  In fact the nutrients doubled their sun protection.  Now currently the RDA level for Vitamin E is 15 IU far too low to be effective, 1/4 cup of sunflower seeds provides 37 IU of Vitamin E...just saying that is double what the FDA deems "safe."  Most nutritionists and researchers agree that anywhere from 100-600 IU are the daily recommended amount of vitamin E, but no side effects associated with as much as a 800 IU to help with cancer recovery, skin disorders, or lowering cholesterol.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nutritional Myths and Misinformations

Common medical myths and lack of clear understanding number on the thousands when discussing modern preventative medicine, but what about modern nutrition?  I mean lets face it, the Nutrition book we had in elementary, middle, and high school were the same book lol. 

Myth 1: "Don't eat butter"-  yeah ok so lets avoid the natural nutrients in butter and substitute that out for some synthetic margarine that has enough trans fats to dramatically increase your bad cholesterol levels (LDL).  Think smart people when in doubt get natural first.

Myth 2: "Don't eat too much salt"- so we've all heard that one, too much salt causes high blood pressure.  However a recent 4 year study at Cornell University showed that in 1,900 men with high blood pressure, those who ate less than 5 grams of salt a day had more than 4 times as many heart attacks as those who consumed more than 10 grams.  Many Americans need to double their "healthy" salt intake.

Myth 3:  "Don't use Vitamin and Mineral Supplements"- This one is a personal pet peeve of mine.  We as humans have been taking supplements for nutrition since the beginning of time and now it seems to be an issue.  Currently 50% of Americans consume vitamin supplements on a regular basis.  A 24 year study of 11,384 people found that taking vitamins and supplements cuts the death rate in half.  Also included was that Cancer and heart disease rates were less than 10% lower than those who did not take anything.  Taking daily Vitamin C supplements could reduce your chance of cancer by 30%  and increase longevity in recovering cancer patients by 4 fold.

Myth 4:  "Your body should not rise above 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit."-  The fever as I'm sure we all know can be a very debilitating condition.  Hot sweats, chills, never fun for anyone.  Now the reason for a fever is that most bacteria and viruses cannot survive above the body's normal temperature so fever is associated with the fighting of infection.  The doctor on the other hand will give you some Aspirin or Tylenol to reduce your fever so as too allow the bacterial infection to thrive and allow him to prescribe antibiotics to fight the illness.  Note this is not the doctors fault as if it is intentional, many doctors are just not trained in nutrition and the way the body reacts to danger.

Myth 5: "Genes cause degenerative disease."-  Acidosis causes degenerative disease not your Uncle Franks drinking problem.  This goes along with the notion that the Sun is bad for you.  Mineral deficiency induced acidosis causes your body to become more prone to disease and illness. Your genes are then forced to choose what illness to succumb too.  When cells live in a acidic environment the cell well then mutate and cancer is born.  Cancer though cannot survive in a Alkaline environment.  If you make the body alkaline you beat the cancer.

Vitamin D and Cancer

Did you know that government agencies (USDA) don't list naturally occurring Vitamin D levels in fish, fish oils, and egg yolks.  Whats the reason you may ask?  Currently the RDA levels for vitamin D is set at
400 IU sounds good right well 1 tbs of Cod liver oil contains 1,360 IU of Vitamin D.   If the USDA were to list these levels for fish and etc, they would have to raise the RDA standards regarding the daily intake of Vitamin D.  Dr. M.F. Holick stated in 2000 that "The Vitamin D levels in the human body should never fall below 3,200 IU and levels below 2000 IU are considered serious deficiency states and will increase your risk of breast and prostate cancer and autoimmune diseases like MS and rheumatoid arthritis.  Currently 30%, 42% and 45% of white, Hispanic, and black elderly were vitamin D deficient.  The Human intestine is lined with vitamin D receptors known as VDR's.  These VDR's are present in the bones and kidneys as well.  When the VDR's are at full absorption of Vitamin D (about 5000 IU) then the body is capable of absorbing 2000% more calcium and other minerals for your body, essentially curing your body of vitamin deficient disorders which account for nearly 80% of hospital visits.